Abbreviations & Techniques
Click on the links below to view a demonstration of the technique (in French)
kfb (knit into front and back): knit stitch without dropping it from left needle, and knit it again through the back loop. [1 st. inc’d]
kfbf : knit into front, back and front. [2 st. inc’d]
k3fb: knit into front, back x3. [5 st. inc’d]
m1r (make 1 right): pick up the bar between the last stitch you knit and the one you’re about to knit, bringing the needle from the back to the front. Knit through the front of this stitch. [1 st. inc’d]
m1rp (make one right purl): pick up the bar between the last stitch you knit and the one you’re about to knit, bringing the needle from back to front, and purl this stitch. [1 st. inc’d]
m1l (make 1 left): pick up the bar between the stitch you knit and the one you’re about to knit, bringing the needle from front to back. Knit through the back of this stitch. [1 st. inc’d]
m1lp (make one left purl): with left needle, pick up the bar between the last stitch you knit and the one you’re about to knit, bringing the needle from front to back, and purl it through the back loop [1 st. inc’d]
pfbf (purl into front, back and front): purl into the back of the next stitch, and leave it on needle. Insert the right needle into the front of the stitch. Purl the stitch, and leave it on the needle. Insert the right needle into the back of the stitch. Purl the stitch, and drop it from the left needle. [2 st. inc’d]
yo: yarn over [1 st. inc’d]
Les diminutions
k2tog: knit two stitches together. [1 st. dec’d]
k3tog: knit three stitches together. [2 st. dec’d]
k2togtbl: knit two together through the back loop. [1 st. dec’d]
p2tog: purl two stitches together. [1 st. dec’d]
p3tog: purl three stitches together. (2 st. dec’d)
s2kp (sl.1, k2tog, psso): slip stitch knitwise, k2tog, pass the slipped stitch over the top and off. [2 st. dec’d]
ssk (slip, slip, knit): slip the next 2 stitches knitwise and then knit them together thru the back loops. [1 st. dec’d]
sssk (slip, slip, slip, knit): slip 3 stitches knitwise, one at a time, from the left needle to the right needle. Slip these 3 stitches back to the left needle purlwise, to maintain the stitch mount. Insert the right needle into the back legs of all three stitches and knit them together through the back legs. [2 st. dec’d]
ssp (slip, slip, purl): holding yarn in front, slip two stitches knitwise one after the other from left needle to right needle. Place them on left needle (making sure not to twist them), then purl them together in the back loops. [1 st. dec’d]
s2pp: slip two, purl one, pass the two slipped stitches over. [2 st. dec’d]
Right crosses -
The stitches on the cable needle are held at the back of the work.
1/1RC (1/1 Right Cross): slip next stitch to CN and place at back of work, k1, then k1 from CN.
2/1RC (2/1 Right Cross): slip next stitch to CN and place at back of work, k2, then k1 from CN.
2/2RC (2/2 Right Cross): slip next 2 stitches to CN and place at back of work, k2, then k2 from CN.
2/2/2 RPC (6 stitches cable to the right with center purl): slip next 4 stitches to CN and place at back of work, k2, slip 2 sts from CN to left needle and move CN to front, p2, k2 from CN.
Left crosses -
The stitches on the cable needle are held in front of the work.
1/1LC (1/1 Left Cross): slip next stitch to CN and place at front of work, k1, then k1 from CN.
2/1LC (2/1 Left Cross): slip 2 stitches to CN and place at front of work, k1, then k2 from CN.
2/2LC (2/2 Left Cross): slip next 2 stitches to CN and place at front of work, k2, then k2 from CN.
2/2/2 LPC (6 stitches cable to the left with center purl): slip next 2 stitches to CN and place at front of work, slip next 2 sts to second CN and place at back of work, k2, p2 from back CN, k2 from front CN.
German Short Rows (GSR)
Selvedge stitch
sl1wyib: slip one with yarn in back
sl1wyif: slip one with yarn in front
knot stitches
3-st knotR.yo.mid (3-st knot, right with yo at middle): insert tip of RN into 3rd st. on LN, lift it over sts 1 and 2 and let it drop, k1, yo, k1.